It has been a common occurrence this year for a student to tell one of our leaders “you are my best friend.” To hear that from a kid you have invested time into is humbling and can move you to tears. You may assume that these words came from our lonely, isolated kids or perhaps those that find it difficult to find friends. But, that is simply not the case. One of our “friends” recently told me that his philosophy in life is to not trust anyone but himself. He often said to anyone who would listen, “I don’t trust anyone.” After a long conversation where he had shared much of what is beneath the surface, I asked if he trusted me. “Nope. I don’t trust you. You can’t trust anyone!” I was confused at best; He had just shared a bunch of information with me! Then, he said, “Okay, maybe I’m beginning to trust you a little.”
On a few occasions we discovered that when students said “you are my best friend,” they didn’t mean “you” singularly. They were trying to say that the Campus Life Leaders were their best friends. They would go on to share that it’s because we listen. We ask them questions and listen to what they have to say. We plan a bunch of fun activities, eat pizza and drink Mountain Dew, but there is just something more and “unique” about the Campus Life Leaders. Some have said it is because “we talk about Jesus” with them. I think they are beginning to understand what that something “unique” is. Others haven’t quite figured out that the huge motivating force behind what we do is our love for Jesus. They don’t yet understand that it is the Spirit within us that they are drawn to. They have tasted a bit of what life can be like with Christ and they want more. Even if they don’t know exactly what it is they have tasted.
The need for leaders is as strong as ever. We are growing beyond what we could have ever imagined, and with this growth we need more people to commit to the mission of bringing the Good News to the youth of our community. If you are interested in joining our team as a volunteer leader, go to